鼓式剎車片 HS-19939 / HS-D6132
類型:液壓制動器 |
D14, Asbestos brake lining, 石棉型剎車片,紅色,經濟型配方
D04, Asbestos brake lining, 石棉型剎車片,黑色,經濟型配方
W21, asbestos free with low metallic, based on carbon compounding glass fibers under modified resin, which has wide range tolerance from low to high temperature, long service life, thermal conductance and heat recovery capacity, no noise. 無石棉少金屬型,特點:良好的剎車舒適性,耐磨,無噪音,高溫穩定性好,較長的使用壽命。
W30, asbestos free with semi-metal, Pan-based carbon composite fibers with semi-metal, which has advantages of high coefficient friction, tough, good thermal conductivity, and high performance in smooth transition of temperature less hear fading, longer life. 無石棉半金屬型,特點:高耐磨,耐高溫,摩擦系數穩定,剎車舒適,使用壽命長。
Z6, Semi-ceramic with low asbestos fibers. High friction coefficient, high temperature tolerance and less wear ratio. 半陶瓷低石棉型,特點:高溫熱穩定性好,剎車舒適,無噪音,摩擦系數穩定,耐磨性好, 米黃色。
Z21, Carbon & Aluminum dust mixture with low asbestos, high friction coefficient, high temperature tolerance and thermal conductivity. 半陶瓷低石棉型,特點:高溫熱穩定性好,剎車舒適,無噪音,摩擦系數穩定,耐磨性好,黑色。
LX, Asbestos free, Ceramic fibers compounding carbon fibers and copper fibers, high strength, high-temperature resistant, fatigue durability, acid and alkali-resistance, etc. 陶瓷復合碳纖維半金屬型,特點:耐腐蝕,高熱穩定性,高導熱性,摩擦系數穩定,高耐磨,適合各種極端路況。
HSK, Asbestos free, Aramid pulp fibers compounding carbon fibers with top quality resin which imported from Germany. It is an innovative material in this the high-tech area. Normally used for OE markets. 芳綸復合碳纖維半金屬型,特點:耐酸堿,高熱穩定性,高導熱性,摩擦系數穩定,高耐磨,適合各種極端路況。
·915#, Aramid pulp fibers (From Du Pont USA) compounding copper fibers with top quality resin which imported from Germany. It is an innovative material in this the high-tech area. Normally used for OE markets. 芳綸纖維復合碳纖維高耐磨剎車片(紫銅粉)紅色。
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